Important Contacts for Mr. C's Towing

for Public Service and Emergency Needs and for Vehicle release
Information, call Mr. C's Towing Dispatch Desk:

For LA County Areas call Mr. C's Towing
Huntington Park and South Gate office:
(323) 249–0575

For Orange County Areas call Mr. C's Towing Los Alamitos office:
(800) 273–3699

For Private Property Services information, call:
(800) 273–3699
and ask for a Sales Associate.

South gate office and yard: 4421 Mason St., South Gate, CA 90280

Huntington Park yard: 6105 Maywood Ave., Huntington Park, CA 90255

Los Alamitos office and yard: 10821 Bloomfield St., Unit C, Los Alamitos, CA 90720

For maps see “Locations page” (Click Here).